Stress: Why does it happen and how can we manage it?
Insomnia? Suppose you face any sleeping problem, then there is no need to concern anymore: stress. As a result, it's critical to let go of tension to recover from insomnia. Stress In Today's Era, Everyone faces stress at some point in their lives. It could also result from negative thoughts such as anxiety, worry, tension, upset, sadness, or anger. These anxious feelings aren't always put on by high stress; they can also be put on by daily circumstances that make you feel worried. When you're struggling with family problems, stress levels usually skyrocket. Stress also causes a slew of other problems Stress is known to harm one's mental health, but it can also affect physical health. Our human body is built to cope with various stresses, including danger, illness, and emergency. It's called instinct, and it happens when hormones like adrenaline and the brain prepare to deal with potentially stressful situations. On the other hand, Longer-term stress is...